Airport Communication and LMS Hosting Solutions

The SafetyPro Training Center ACLMS system makes it easy for companies and airports to communicate with over 30,000 employees and users in real time over vast distances or in the next room. The system provides the method to manage important corporate and government document dispersion and training in an easy to use, Internet based secure environment available anywhere and anytime.  The application automatically collects the employee's training records and site movement and tracks them in real time. These records are stored and protected on redundant, remote servers and made available to authorized company representatives through any web-enabled device.

ACE actively manages and protects the training records on behalf of the company. All data is backed up every two hours. ACE ensures data integrity by utilizing overlapping Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and firewall protection for our on-site and remote servers.

On a continuous basis employee course progress can be monitored in real-time. Progress data is placed in file and stored in the Learning Management System (LMS) database. Once the record is inserted into the database, it is immediately available to the company training manager, instantly, through the on-line reporting system.

As part of our extensive disaster recovery plan, SafetyPros primary server has a built-in hardware redundant system. For additional protection. We employ a secure secondary server located off-site in case of catastrophic failure, which is an exact replica of the primary system. The secondary system uses a software data replication tool to synchronize the employee's records and the reporting database on both servers and provides two hour incremental backups.  Your employee performance and communications data is always safe and available around the clock, worldwide.

Imagine - never losing an employee training record ever again.

SafetyPros Compliance Safety Training system does all of this and more.  Course content can be easily verified and test scores tracked in real time. The level of customer service your company provides to its employees increases because the company can offer training sessions more often, accommodate walk-ups or those with appointments and deliver training during nights and weekends. Imagine training new employee's to meet federal requirements completely before initiating duties by enrolling them in the ACLMS and assigning then the "New Employee" on-boarding package.  

The SafetyPro System Minimizes Training Hours and Amplifies Cost Savings

The SafetyPro system is designed to minimize instructor hours related to repetitive training and reduce staff time dedicated to the training process. As the training mandates and the number of employees grow, SafetyPro  technology amplifies the cost savings.
The SafetyPro  system provides companies with all the online infrastructure necessary to train airport personnel quickly, easily, and at a fraction of the normal cost.

SafetyPro Offers the Most Important Topics Needed for Airport Training Today, Including:

  • SIDA (Security Identification Display Area)
  • Airport Specific Driver Training (Movement and Non-Movement Areas)
  • Part 139 Compliance Training
  • Basic Airport Security Awareness
  • Runway Incursion Prevention

Other customized programs, limited only by the imagination, can be developed in conjunction with the corporate client upon request.

Geo-Specific Training Courses

The SafetyPro System is a stand alone, interactive computer based training system. It utilizes digital images that are captured on location at your airport by your staff. Training programs are highly effective because each one features your airport's work environment and makes the actual workplace the training background. 

Our in-house production team will add your imagery and footage and deploy the final product to you as a high quality, interactive training program. 

 The interactive training course will then be loaded onto specialized, dedicated Learning Management System sector. The SafetyPro-LMS operating system automatically manages the training courses, tests and tracks each individual training record, making it hassle free!

Employee training may be mandated, but it can also be meaningful and cost effective.  Companies use the system because technology is proving to be the least expensive way to train the ever growing numbers of employees, including airlines, tenants, service providers and contractors. 

The ACE system is fully AIP (Airport Improvement Program) and PFC (Passenger Facility Charge) eligible. Airports that can take advantage of these sources of funds can acquire their systems for a fraction of the actual costs, and thereby further reduce airport training expenses

Our Aviation Communication and Learning Management System, the newest addition to SafetyPro's suite of interactive training products, is a state-of-the-art web-based learning management system, or LMS, designed specifically for "do-it-yourself" companies. Built on open architecture and intended to be web hosted, it allows airports the total freedom to affordably create and change courses without any SafetyPro production requirements, annual licenses, or fees.

The system is easily expandable and able to accommodate additional training courses as needed by the airport or organization. Automated testing, a standard feature, ensures employees are mastering the required learning modules.

ACE LMS features:

  • Web based
  • Fully scalable
  • Open architecture
  • Allows companies to create and change courses
  • Detailed user reports and queries
  • Extensive user tracking and record-keeping

For more information on what ACE can do for your company, contact:

Customer Service

877-322-7139 Toll Free

Last modified: Saturday, June 22, 2024, 9:51 AM